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Lyra | Character Research Sketch
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Dark elf


243 years



"Zephyriaqua, Mistress of Water and Wind"


Lounging under waterfalls in the forest, reading magical grimoires, storytelling nights by the fireside with loved ones.


Bitter things, being overly familiar with Yuuna


1.72 m


Lyra has come a long way since her youth. Raised in the rich traditions of her race, she quickly shone with her magical aptitude. Guided by a secret quest entrusted by her people's sages – to recover fragments of the sacred Shimenawa artifacts – she embarked on an exploration of new and mysterious horizons driven by her thirst for knowledge.

Over the years, Lyra has mentored young sorceresses in her guild, sharing her wisdom and experience. She mentored Yuuna, a young elf with a strong affinity for magic, who gradually became not only her teammate but also a dear friend. Together, they embarked on numerous thrilling adventures, spanning continents and facing challenges.

Throughout the years, she shared her wisdom and experience by mentoring young sorceresses within her guild. Her mentorship took on special significance with Yuuna, a young elf with a profound affinity for magic. Time transformed Yuuna into both her trusted partner and cherished friend, and together, they ventured through exciting adventures, conquering continents and defying challenges.

This is a tale of growth, connection, and transmission...


Lyra (らいら) is an enchanting and generous Dark Elf. Her golden white hair flows down like a cascade, with two strands held by elegant jewels framing her delicate face. A rebellious strand perches on top of her head and dances across her face, adding a touch of casual charm.

A long ribbon with a weighted tassel is carefully tied to her hair, symbolizing her status as a Master Sorceress and sometimes serving to secure her hair. Her elven ears elegantly point upwards, and her very light green, almost white, eyes gleam intensely. Her skin is adorned with ephemeral, light tattoos, magical artworks painted by her companion Yuuna.

She dons a minimalist tunic distinctive to certain elven tribes. Woven from fine silk, it consists of a single piece of interwoven fabric, leaving almost her entire skin exposed. The uniqueness of her attire lies in the meticulously tied Shinemawa cords around her ankles and waist. These thick cords mark the boundary between the natural and the sacred, purifying her body and spirit from negative influences.

Delicate jewelry, adorned with discreet magical stones, embellishes her attire and intertwines with her hair, adding a touch of radiance. Two thin golden ribbons encircle each of her thighs. Lyra occasionally dons her long cape and rarely ventures without her sorceress staff.


Lyra exudes a calm and poised confidence, always accompanied by a natural sensuality in her gestures and posture. At times, her eyes sparkle with a mischievous gleam, hinting at her playful side. Her gentle voice and graceful movements don't leave indifferent those who cross her path.

Passionate about magic and incantations, she always carries a few precious miniature magic books in her cape, delving into them when not busy at the guild or with her team. She takes pleasure in sharing her knowledge with others. Beyond her responsibilities, Lyra dedicates time to create small enchanted gardens, where magic and nature blend harmoniously.

Lyra particularly enjoys lounging under waterfalls for hours, letting the purifying water wash her long hair and harmonize her natural energies. Despite her serious nature, she finds joy in warm interactions and shared bursts of laughter with Yuuna, as well as in gathering friends and sharing mystical and enchanting stories around a campfire


As a Master Sorceress, Lyra possesses profound knowledge of fundamental elements such as fire, water, earth, and air, but she particularly excels in mastering the wind and water elements. 

She holds the honorary title of "Zephyriaqua, Mistress of Water and Wind."

Endowed with intricate expertise, Lyra excels in enchantment, enhancing magical objects and crafting artifacts tailored to various situations. She also custom-designs enchanted artifacts perfectly suited for diverse contexts, adding a crucial strategic dimension to her repertoire.

Lyra Face Close up Character Design
Lyra, Character Design
Lyra | Character Research Sketch
Lyra, Character Design
Lyra, Character Design


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