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Mitsu | Character Research Sketch
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Nine-Brush Kitsune


Drawing, savoring and concocting hot chocolate recipes, watching Leonyanime


Going to bed early, rough and negative people


1.57 m


Mitsu is part of the Leonyan people, a group of feline races particularly skilled in nature-related craftsmanship. Renowned for generations as fertile ground for Masters, people from all over the world converge for their expertise in craftsmanship, construction, painting, goldsmithing, and other requests. There are almost as many artisans as there are possible creations.

From a young age, Leonyans from each clan learn arts and magic. However, unlike the fluid and animated magic unique to her clan, Mitsu has not yet succeeded in mastering Animaglyph. This gap concerns her greatly, but her determination is unwavering. She dedicates every free moment to experimenting and perfecting her magical skills while exploring the mysteries of the world around her. Despite her doubts, she never loses hope and, above all, aspires to understand why she lacks the power of her clan... Her adventures with Zetsu might help her find answers.

Tales & Myths:

Leonyans of different races can master "Animaglyph", but only the Kitsune succeeded in taking another form by mastering the magic called "Inkarnate." This magic allows one to materialize an illustration of themselves to assume another appearance. Mitsu is fascinated by ancient stories of Kitsune with nine magical brushes, legends recounting that a Kitsune who materializes nine magical brushes gains the power to transform by assuming the appearance of another life form. Each brush possesses a unique ability, representing different facets of an arcane to master. Animaglyph, the power to breathe life into illustrations, is the key to materialize and master the nine brushes.

The nine brushes are, in reality, fragments of one's own deeply rooted heritage, symbolizing the diversity of everyone's art. Once "Animaglyph" is mastered and all brushes materialized, it is possible not only to take another form but also to create entire worlds through one's works, uniting the realms of imagination and reality.


One day, while exploring the woods in search of inspiration, Mitsu encounters Zetsu, a small wounded fox, mischievous and cuddly. Over time, their bond strengthens, and the fox seems to calm her and guide her like a protective spirit, leading her into adventures that gradually reveal her abilities.

As for Zetsu... that's another story to follow.


Mitsu (ミツ) is a petite Kitsune with sensual and generous curves (sometimes a bit more so depending on the treats she indulges in). Her long, curly hair is brown with a slight red hue at the tips, styled in a loose side braid. She has large fox ears and big hazel-green eyes with vertical pupils that sparkle with a playful and joyful gaze.

She often wears a short tunic, plunging down to her navel, in a cream-white color. Her billowy sleeves are held up by leather straps, and a thick belt helps secure her bags of pigments and other drawing tools. She completes her outfit with a dark short paired with tights and small leather boots.

When she embarks on explorations, she dons a mini cape and carries a lightweight wooden bow equipped with a magical string created through her drawings.

(In her appearances in the contemporary world, she often wears a little purple sweater dress with a black harnessand white thighhighs. She happens to have a design variation when she is in "Dark Mitsu" mode, her darker side....)


Curious and carefree, Mitsu brims with liveliness and energy. Since her childhood, she has listened to the tales of travelers and adventurers describing distant lands and the mysterious sea of clouds. One of her desires is to explore these remote horizons and go beyond her domain. She is driven by endless creativity, dreaming of painting animated frescoes and ornaments that tell unique stories.

Despite the trials she may sometimes face, her positive and enthusiastic nature pushes her to see the best in every situation. She enjoys taking the time to connect with others and easily forms bonds with warm and hardworking personalities. Mitsu loves to learn and discuss magical art with those who share her passion.

She adores her environment and can sometimes be distracted, captivated by a simple fluttering butterfly. She dislikes being rushed or hurried, preferring to take the necessary time to do things properly.

Mitsu has a penchant for culinary pleasures in general, but she holds a particular adoration for hot chocolate, which she masters in various preparations. This 'magical' beverage comforts her on rainy days, when it's cold, during her nocturnal work sessions, or at any other time conducive to an excuse :).

She also enjoys lounging with her magical tablet to draw according to her inspiration or simply to watch Leonyanime, a collection of animated stories created by Magical Artisans. These tales transport her into a world of creativity and imagination, instilling in her from a young age the dream of crafting her own stories, magical universes with captivating characters experiencing adventures that are sometimes thrilling, touching, or soothing.

She harbors a special affection for Zetsu, the little fox who never leaves her side.

  • Magical Painter Artisan: Mitsu possesses an undeniable skill in drawing. Her creations are imbued with sensuality and meticulous attention to detail. However, despite her experience in the artistic field, she still struggles to master the magic of her clan, which brings creations to life fleetingly, known as "Animaglyph". Her illustrations, although delightful to behold and always sincere and hardworking, remain static, and she finds it challenging to breathe life into them as she so desires.

  • Archer: Mitsu holds promising proficiency as an archer, even though she is continually in a learning phase. However, her progress as an archer is inherently linked to her mastery of magic. Her bow is in symbiosis with her magical abilities, allowing her to materialize a cord and arrows through her drawings. As she gains more magical mastery, her bow can also evolve and improve.

Mitsu Face Close up Character Design
Mitsu, Character Design
Mitsu | Character Research Sketch
Mitsu, Character Design
Mitsu, Character Design


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